Saturday 2 March 2013

25 Facts About Me

some facts about me...
1. I am scared if clowns
2. I love making people laugh
3. I have never had any piercings
4. I love dogs
5.  I love being in water
6. I have size 6 feet
7. I am really empathetic
8. I love vintage and retro things
9. I love to dance
10. I love flowers they are so pretty
11. I love taking photos
12. Unicorns are amazing
13. I buy loads of lipsticks and barley wear them
14.I am a vegetarian

15. I am a LUSH addict

16: I love cooking

17:When I was 8 i was attacked by a jellyfish and was left with some scars on my legs which have thankfully faded

18: My favourite scent is apple

19: I am currently collection Samantha Chapman brushes- I aim to get them all

20: My room is like a library i have so many books

21: I'd love to have a cottage when I'm older in somerset

22: My best holiday ever is New York,I aim to go again

23:I have a memory box full of so much stuff and I love looking back through it

24: I love going to Center Parcs I have so many memories there

25: I love my blog and want to improve it everyday


Sunday 10 February 2013

Garden of Butterflies

The other day i went to Wisley garden centre were they have a huge humid glass house known as the 'butterfly house' where you can witness beautiful butterflies freely flying around and you can also photograph them so I thought it share some of the pictures I took ( they aren't my best I'll admit but its hard to get a good shot when they're flying around also seeing as I wasn't the only one attempting to get a good photo!)


Saturday 9 February 2013

Chinese New Year

Even though the New Year is in full swing the Chinese New Year is on Sunday10th and I thought I'd share my views on it.
2012 was the year of the dragon which represents power,positivity and good fortune and I don't know about you but 2012 was a really great year with the Diamond Jubilee,Olympics etc
 If you didn't already know 2013 is the year of the Snake it represents calmness,intelligence,fertility and wisdom.
I have never celebrated the Chinese New Year as much as i would like to (apart from Primary school we made Chinese animal masks and had a party- I was the tiger as that's the year i was born in)
I have always wanted to go to China town in London and have a meal and watch the dancing Dragon and then set off lanterns which I aim to do in 2014
Do you know what your animal is?
Let me know in the comments and Happy Chinese New Year!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Harry Potter Studios

Okay so I actually went on 1st November but It took me a long time to do this blog (long story) but enjoy!

The entrances it may not look magical but wait until you are inside:)

 my tickets:)

Honey Dukes (gift shop)
chocolate frog,yes the card was Dumbledore:)

Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans
I got watermelon,'vomit' and earwax:(

Gryffindor uniform

wand signed by the cast!

Golden Snitch
can anyone guess who these belong to?;)

Unfortunately my battery ran out because I used it all up in the gift shop but luckily I borrow my friends super snazzy camera and got some great photos but I don't have them on my laptop but I cant upload them,so what is behind the doors of Hogwarts shall remain a mystery to you:).... (unless you Google it)

"No story lives unless someone wants to listen...
The stories we love best do live in us forever.
So whether you come back by page or by the big screen
Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."-J.K Rowling

Sunday 6 January 2013

Greetings 2013!

I cannot believe its 2013!
I have really enjoyed 2012 but there are some resolutions/goals I'd like to achieve for 2013
Healthier Food Options
Yes i am ashamed to say i often enjoy a McDonald's,Nandos or even a hot chocolate with all the trimmings. Now I am not saying I am going to give it up (don't want to be too hasty:)) but i am definitely going to improve my health so if i am making a sandwich  i will say to myself "Do i need mayonnaise or could i put some salad in instead" little things to work on my nutrition.
Work Hard on my Blog
So I started my blog in august and felt like I had been going to where because I didn't even have 10 followers but I realised some of my favourite bloggers ( Zoella ,Louise ,Sammi) they have been working hard on their blogs for ages so I figured I need to be patient because good things come to those who wait.
Focus on School Work
So I am coming up to choose my options soon and with me being quite the daydreamer I feel I could focus more and work harder to get better grades and do my homework.
Go out more
So on a weekend I have dance class on a Saturday morning but then i spend all Sunday in bed on my laptop and after school so i feel I should go out with friends more and enjoy myself not just stay cooped up inside.
Be Happy and Smile More!
I like to think of myself as quite a positive person but I think I stress about little things too much and get so worked up so I just need to relax and smile!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!


I hope you all have a amazing 2013 make all your dreams and wishes come true and go for it!
"We should all start to live before we get too old.Fear is stupid,and so are regrets"-Marilyn Monroe